JALT photo album 31
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AKITA JALT meetings in 2005
picture album page 1 of 2005


Guest speaker: Tim Murphey
Date: Saturday, February 12th, 2005
Title: Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom
at AIU (Akita International University)

16 people attended the meeting.
Chapter Report
(to be printed in The Language Teacher)
Guest speaker: Tim Murphey
Akita: February?Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom by Tim Murphey. This presentation was based on the book by the same name co-authored by Murphey. Through power point, lecture, songs, stories, activities and discussion we learned about the stages groups go through from formation to dissolution and the importance of all the stages. He emphasized the importance of cohesion and the environment. We learned a song (to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas)to help us create a positive internal learning state. While learning this he modeled ways for us to teach concepts and vocabulary. He talked about the three main styles of teaching or leading and their strengths and weaknesses. We learned that role modeling is important for groups and individuals and that teachers need to walk their talk. Finally he emphasized the importance of feedback in the whole process.

After the break he talked about the role of mistakes in learning using his CMART (Celebrating Mistakes and Risk-taking) model. He modeled a technique for how to become comfortable with making mistakes and for how to notice the critical moments of perception that can lead to learning. He provided many techniques for memorizing, learning, teaching and having fun in the classroom. The 14 participants who braved the 2+ meters of snow outside to come to this presentation were so excited about the topic they stayed 30 minutes over time to get more information.
Reported by Jarrett Ragan

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